A widely used piece of surgical equipment called Bair Hugger has caused thousands of patients across the country serious infections. If you have had joint replacement surgery such as hip or knee, or have had open heart surgery and developed a serious infection within a year following the surgery it may have been caused by the Bair Hugger warming device.

When a patient undergoes major surgery, keeping them warm throughout the entire surgery provides important health benefits including regulating body temperature and helping to prevent hypothermia. The Bair Hugger system was designed to keep patients warm; however recent studies show that this very common product circulates more than just air. Bacteria can be picked up and deposited to the surgical site. Manufacturers of Bair Hugger failed to warn about the potential for serious infection caused by this equipment. Patients receiving hip or knee replacement, or open heart surgery, are particularly at risk.

Risks known for decades and dismissed by manufacturers

Dr. Scott Augustine, the inventor of this widely used piece of surgical equipment, warned doctors and hospitals that Bair Hugger could spread and cause infections. Many studies following Dr. Augustine’s warning confirmed this including one done in 2011 which showed that the use of air-forced warming compared to conductive warming fabric lead to a significant increase in joint infections. Another study in the Bone & Joint Journal found that there is 2,000 times more bacteria in the air when using Bair Hugger.

Do you have a potential case? We can help.

If you or a loved one developed a serious infection after hip or knee replacement surgery, or have had open heart surgery, the Bair Hugger warming equipment may have been used in conjunction with your surgery. As a result, you may have a claim. Other serious injuries include hospitalization, removal and replacement of infected implant, amputation, or death.

Davis & Crump is now handling claims for victims who have suffered serious infection caused by Bair Hugger after hip or knee replacement surgery, or open heart surgery. We are experienced in defective product litigations and settlements. Consult with us today about your potential claim without cost or obligation. Our firm fronts all costs associated with your case, so there is no fee unless we make a successful recovery for you. With over 70 years of combined experience, our firm pursues a successful conclusion to each and every case.

Fill out a free claim evaluation or call us at 1-800-277-0300 to get started.